A complete collapse of the life and health of the addicted person leads him or her to seek professional help for recovery. This collapse occurs when he bottoms out in these aspects.
Physical Aspects
The person with addiction is afflicted with one or more of these problems:
∙ Bleeding from the nose
∙ Sexual impotence
∙ Loss of sensation or temporary paralysis in the arms or legs
∙ Cerebral hemorrhaging
Emotional or Spiritual Aspects
∙ Loss of joy and a constant need to use the drug
∙ Inability to achieve the “pleasant sensation” of the first few times
∙ More intense depression
∙ Violent mood swings
∙ Threats or injuries to loved ones and demands for money
∙ The feeling that everyone else is a stranger or an enemy
∙ Suicidal thoughts or attempts
Economic Aspects
∙ Loss of credit – the person with addiction cannot borrow any more money
∙ Loss of job through stealing or lying
∙ Loss of income for the family
∙ Legal problems and incarceration